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"The Stories Within: Backstory Clues through Objects

Candace Ducatillon
10 years ago
204 posts


"We choose the objects and art that we place in our virtual spaces for many different reasons: perhaps they look nice, or they were on sale ... or sometimes we choose them because they can tell a story.

There are stories within many of the things we put into these spaces ... stories that are about the characters we have created in-world. They offer clues to our back-stories, which also can help to explain why our characters say what they do or choose to act in the ways they do.

In this exhibit, we have two examples from different historical time periods and places ... in these two spaces you can find clues to the back-stories of two very different people ... or are they all that different? Look at what they have in their homes and think about what the items can tell you. The clue may be in what the item is. In the 1785 rooms, you also can scroll over some objects and find notecard givers that provide more insights. See if you can discover the stories that lie within the objects." Aldo Stern

Professore Aldo Stern and Lady Sere Timeless have transformed the Showcase Gallery space into a time capsule that wonderfully encapsulates the text above. At the entrance, do collect the two personage notecards and begin your journey ...

updated by @candace-ducatillon: 16 Jan 2017 03:09:40PM
Tatiana Dokuchic
10 years ago
1,919 posts

I love this exhibit!

Too much fun piecing together the back-story of these characters. Also the contrast between the two was most intriguing. I've suggested to Sere that they subtitle it "From Diderot to Deadwood" ;)

Proprietress of Tatiana's Tea Room ~ Owner of the Provence Coeur Estate ~ Webmistress of this site
Lady Leena Fandango
10 years ago
358 posts

I agree with Tatiana, it's a wonderful exhibit. Intriguing to poke around in Aldo and Sere's heads like that :)

Lorsagne de Sade
10 years ago
313 posts

This exhibit it an absolute joy and a delight. Born creators and born storytellers . . , Sere and Aldo.