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New release_ 18th century ballet costume

Ephe Luik
14 years ago
169 posts


This dress represents an 18th century ballet dancer.

The growth of court luxury under Louis XIII and Louis XIV
provided the opportunity for ballet to grow in importance
and it became a favoured diversion. It was during the reign
of Louis XIV that ballet was first performed on the public stage.
Louis XIV created the most dazzling court in Europe and
refinements in dance was one of the many aspects of this.

Marie Camargo in the early 18th century was the first woman dancer
who dared tackle the problem that women faced with long skirts.
She shortened her skirts. Actually, not by very much--to just above the ankle.
Her audiences were shocked, but this enabled them to see and appreciate
the intricate footwork and dramatic complex jumps that she had developed.

This costume is made for lean avatars.

updated by @ephe-luik: 06 Oct 2016 01:58:51PM
Tatiana Dokuchic
14 years ago
1,919 posts
How beautiful, Ephe! Thanks!!

Proprietress of Tatiana's Tea Room ~ Owner of the Provence Coeur Estate ~ Webmistress of this site
Ephe Luik
14 years ago
169 posts
Thank you Tat, this is my favourite dress:))
Anne, Comtesse de Noailles
14 years ago
263 posts
gorgeous! already saw it at the carneval ball and WANTED it!!!
Sophia Trefusis
14 years ago
471 posts
I saw this on you at the carnival in so lovely...