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Aux Dames de France, New gowns !!!

Madame Adélaïde Duchêne
13 years ago
14 posts

This collection is based upon the themes of colours and flowers.

Robes la Turque and one Robe l'Anglaise, that would make your mornings, tea times, garden walks and other informal events, the symbols of elegance and distinction.

I hope that you will enjoy them as much as I enjoyed to make them.

Kindest Regards,

Madame la Duchesse de Paris



1199_discussions.jpg?width=262MADAME SOPHIE



1201_discussions.jpg?width=272SAINT EMILION

1202_discussions.jpg?width=196DUCHESSE DE SAINT-PIERRE

1203_discussions.jpg?width=322ROBE L'ANGLAISE

updated by @madame-adelaide-duchene: 23 Oct 2016 08:49:52PM
MarieLouise Harcourt
13 years ago
647 posts

Are these dresses only available in the age category of the model? :)



Lady Bluebird of Orkney
13 years ago
81 posts
They are beautiful and ageless I think, but what has happened to the lovely Marie Antoinette? Has she fled Versailles?
Marie-Antoinette d'Autriche
13 years ago
43 posts
So so lovely, Votre Grace, I really do love the "Marie Antoinette" ... and not to worry, I am often to be seen at Versailles, I was there this afternoon, and indeed I was at the garden party on Friday ... although I could only bear Madame Du Barry and those Tancarvilles *looking* at me and whispering for so long ... ! (starts to pout about not yet having a baby, then thinks better of it)
Madame Adélaïde Duchêne
13 years ago
14 posts

Lamballe = You are an old young girl, that fits your fine !

Lady => She escaped in Marly !

Your Imperial Majesty => It is an honour, your majesty.

Madame la Dauphine => You were always so kind with me.

Stormy => You would see it in world, it matches as it's also a silk painted ribbon !

Thank you all !

Madame Desireme Fallen
13 years ago
110 posts
oooh, I love the Duchesse St. pretty!!!!