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My two first gowns...

Prince de Craon
15 years ago
47 posts

Let me introduce my two works only for woman, are the first gowns made my me, surely Im not the first man with this intention, but the normal case is see a man making men's clothes, dreaming with the perfect look for a gentleman.

However, dress a woman is a dangerous and risk work, is needed that the gown like perfect in all meanings, colour combination, textures, shape, and complements. Now I have two simply gowns but in my mind have other more ambitious.

About Craquele Giardinetto and Vert Normor, I can say are dress for elegant and bucolic moments, the Craquele Giardinetto have courtisan brights, and Vert Normor is perfect for walk in the gardens and talk with friends in a rococo pavillion.

Now, please judge yourshelf, i hope see your opinion :))

You will found this in Alexanderhof, Maison Couture, Alexanderhof 241, 169, 42
and in my Shop in Languedoc Coeur.

Thank you again: Duque of Losada and owner of LOL XVI.

updated by @charles-juste-prince-de-beauveau-et-craon: 06 Oct 2016 01:58:51PM
Sophia Trefusis
15 years ago
471 posts
Nice work Duque ^^"dress a woman is a dangerous and risk work" so very true
Lord Myron de Verne
15 years ago
113 posts
Same could be said about undressing them, Madame...but indulging in such sentiments would probably be as dangerous and risqu, so i will NOT say it, of course...Besides, what would our life in Courts be , without these dangers and risks?:))
Lord Myron de Verne
15 years ago
113 posts
I sincerely apologize to Duque de Losada for my earlier comment, a poor attempt at a french trait d'esprit , that distracted the attention from his creations , which i value greatly, as i did with the former ones i saw in LOL XVI shops"
Sophia Trefusis
15 years ago
471 posts
I think that yours would be very dull indeed... Writing your memoirs any day soon?
Pepys Arida
15 years ago
1 posts
Mi estimado duque de Losada,Mi ms sincera felicitacion por su atrevida propuesta y mis deseos de xito en esta nueva empresadedicada a las damas. Gracias por pensar en nosotras. Un precioso vestido. :-))Pepys AridaDuquesa de Veragua
Prince de Craon
15 years ago
47 posts
Thank you for the opinions!!! Im very happy, but I promise employ more risk in my nexts works (laughs)
Sophia Trefusis
15 years ago
471 posts
As they say....Fortune favors the brave^^