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The Captain's House: Perfect for Seafaring Folk!

Tatiana Dokuchic
11 years ago
1,919 posts

After keeping Provence Coeur Est (home of the Petit Trianon & the Queen's Hamlet) to myself for the past six years, I'm offering my very first rentals!


This charming cottage is part of The Queen's Hamlet, a fantasy village built for Marie Antoinette to escape the rigours of court life. The house was designed to have a rustic exterior, actually being faux painted and distressed to give it the feel of a Norman peasant home. The interior was more lavish, meant to appeal to the Queen and her court with it's comforts and intimate rooms. This SL version uses wallpaper details from la Maison de Bonaparte to provide it's "upper class" atmosphere. All of the casement windows are fully functional and the smoking chimney can be controlled by a simple touch. A full security system is also included.

The Captain's House is located near Port Trianon providing access from its private dock to the extensive Duch de Coeur & Rocca Sorrentina waterways. Perfect for seafaring folk!

Visit it inworld: The Captain's House Rental, Provence Coeur Est (105, 49, 24)

Proprietress of Tatiana's Tea Room ~ Owner of the Provence Coeur Estate ~ Webmistress of this site

updated by @tatiana-dokuchic: 06 Oct 2016 01:58:51PM
MarieLouise Harcourt
11 years ago
647 posts

I LOVE the Hameau de la Reine soooo much, haha! I remember sitting there in the gardens, parking myself on the bench, and just enjoying the scenery for quite some time! (Eventually I did have to get moving, since it was near closing time and dark clouds hovered above me). Anyhow, those houses are so lovely and idyllic, and I love to see them in SL!

Tatiana Dokuchic
11 years ago
1,919 posts

I'm sure the gardeners would have scrambled to bring you an umbrella and called for a carriage, should any rain have threatened you!

Thanks for the kind words about a project very near & dear to me :))

Proprietress of Tatiana's Tea Room ~ Owner of the Provence Coeur Estate ~ Webmistress of this site
MarieLouise Harcourt
11 years ago
647 posts

I looked through my own picture collection, and it seems to be this house? (I had to downscale it a little so I wouldn't have to stay up all night for it to load on the ning!) Sure looks a lot like it. Notice the gray clouds, uh-oh! I have to admit I did try to break into some of these houses, unfortunately the doors are looockeeed...


And speaking of gardeners, I walked the wrong way at a certain moment, so I did meet a few near another small building, of which original meaning I was not clear!

Tatiana Dokuchic
11 years ago
1,919 posts

Yes, that's The Guard's House on which this fictional The Captain's House is based!
When Iadded an extra room to make it a bit bigger as a rental I renamed it though there is another, more authentic version, still in the hamlet.

Here's an interesting story about this building. There was obviously a need for security in The Queen's Hamlet but Marie Antoinette wanted to keep it as hidden as possible. One ingenious way theyaccomplished this was to have trenches throughout the hamlet hidden by various landscaping features. The guards would patrol the trenches and one of the main points of entry was via The Guard's House which had a basement that lead outside. I always thought that was a very cool solution.

My understanding is that The Guard's House is still in use today housing one of the hamlet's gardeners. Hence the beautiful vegetable garden you see out front.

At the moment The Queen's House & The Guard's House are still open to the public so if you ever need shelter you won't have to resort to climbingthrough the windows. I'm also sure you could have charmed your way past any of the security or gardeners :))

Proprietress of Tatiana's Tea Room ~ Owner of the Provence Coeur Estate ~ Webmistress of this site