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Period Dances????

Stephanie Mesler
11 years ago
93 posts

Is there a dance system available for period dances? I am looking especially for Georgian/Baroque/Rococo couples and group dances. Any suggestions on where to find such a thing?

updated by @stephanie-mesler: 06 Oct 2016 01:58:51PM
11 years ago
34 posts

Abranimations, they have 30 baroque dance available.

Stephanie Mesler
11 years ago
93 posts

I saw those. Are they ones you put into an Intan? I went there and could find nothing that told me if they are for Intan for some other dance system. I also thought they were all singles dances. Were there some I missed?

Lorsagne de Sade
11 years ago
313 posts

I have the dances by Animations and they are great. There are a few others created by Maura Auer (not sure of spelling) that I have and I will send you the creator's name when I am inworld later today.

Claire-Sophie de Rocoulle
11 years ago
112 posts

Just adding to this :)His name is Maar Auer and he made the Menuet dance balls you usually see at court events . Last we spoke he was moving house in RL and had closed his inworld store. But he was very good at responding to IMs left for him. If you want to buy that dance best bet is to leave an IM for him saying you are interested in theMenuet clubset.

Also about theAbranimations dances. You can drop them into a dance ball (which you can also purchase there)or into your own hud.

Lorsagne de Sade
11 years ago
313 posts

thank you for the correct SL name of Auer! I think his dances are available fromDMC - DarkMoon Creations, DarkMoon Lilliehook, but they are no copy versions. I'd vote to try and buy them directly from the creator if possible.

Stephanie Mesler
11 years ago
93 posts

Thankyou, ladies! That information helps a lot! I will be ready to make some dance purchases by week's end. Just spent a small fortune on virtual livestock for the joint, so gonna let my bank account rest for a couple of days before buying the dances.

Tiamat Windstorm von Hirvi
11 years ago
359 posts

Maar Auer has created a Chaconne couple's dance as well as the menuet. I have both, and each is delightful in its own way.

Antiquity Hedgewitch
Stephanie Mesler
11 years ago
93 posts

I am not finding the menuet or chaconne or Maar Auer on market place. I understand he does not have a shop inworld either. The only way to buy from him is to contact directly?

Lorsagne de Sade
11 years ago
313 posts

DMC (Dark Moon Creations) has the following Maar Auer dances:

Maar Auer

- ChaconneHento Nine (58, 212, 36)
- CharlestonHento Nine (58, 217, 36)
- FoxtrottHento Nine (62, 222, 36)
- MenuetHento Nine (67, 222, 36)
- Mojito GrooveHento Nine (72, 212, 36)
- SLindyHopHento Nine (72, 217, 36)
- Slow OneHento Nine (72, 202, 36)
- Tango PasionHento Nine (58, 198, 36)
- Valse de NuitHento Nine (58, 203, 36)

Drawback is they are no copy versions. I wrote Maar Auer some months ago to see if he was selling copy versions but never heard from him.

Sent you the LM for DMC....

Stephanie Mesler
11 years ago
93 posts

Thank you! I actually went to DMC the other day in search of these and couldn't get the place to rez for me. Knowing precisely where they are will help tremendously.

Tiamat Windstorm von Hirvi
11 years ago
359 posts

I contacted him directly when I purchased mine.

Antiquity Hedgewitch
11 years ago
103 posts

I not found a Collection of them, but there are a few of these dances , I found 2, English Country Dances which date back to the Elizabethan era, but still being dances in the Regency, avalble for one of the vendors seling "Medivile", dances in the Market place.