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"Cieli di Napoli" New Show at Un Piccolo Studio on Rocca Sorrentina

Lady Leena Fandango
9 years ago
358 posts

~A new exhibit at Un Piccolo Studio ~ Rocca Sorrentina~

An interactive artist studio with animated easels and a posing area. Come explore and create with us! For a twist and to add to the realism, we will feature a real life historical artist and offer their works for sale. Strike a pose or create a painting like the great artists of the past. You're more than welcome to make a mess.

Some new offerings for your viewing pleasure. Thomas Jones (1742-1803) originally from Wales, he spent time in Naples and his paintings are a unique architectural view into the 18th century. Relying on direct observation, many of the pieces are almost modern in feeling and are views from his studio window in Naples itself. Our new show is titled:

"Cieli di Napoli"


We welcome you to come and enjoy them! Paintings are 49L each Copy/Modify.

433_discussions.png?width=750 The easels are interactive so feel free to sit and paint like a master of old. There's also a posing area for some snapshots so stop by and indulge your inner artist, the candles are always burning.


Sending the carriage for you, we hope you enjoy!

Un Piccolo Studio at Rocca Sorrentina

Grazie and have fun everyone :-)

updated by @lady-leena-fandango: 05 Oct 2016 12:46:53PM
9 years ago
280 posts

That sounds very fun, I'll have to find some time to drop by :)

Candace Ducatillon
9 years ago
204 posts

I so admire this collection! The architectural lines seem to emit a beckoning for me - an invitation to stop and admire the uncomplicated ~

Thank you Lady Leena for this oh-so-lovely installation.

Lady Leena Fandango
9 years ago
358 posts

Thank you very much, I hope everyone enjoys :-)