Claire-Sophie de Rocoulle
VW: Second Life

Location: Auckland
Country: NZ
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New Casanova

Looks pretty interesting.
Tatiana Dokuchic
22 Sep 2015 08:05:54AM @tatiana-dokuchic:

It does! Thanks :)

Sidonie Laborde
22 Sep 2015 11:04:42PM @sidonie-laborde:
I have seen the pilot already and I quite enjoyed it. Its mostly about Casanova and Mme de Pompadour (love the actress eho plays her!) Unfortunatley it looks like its not very successfull - seems like its not yet known if there will be more episodes.
Prince de Craon
18 Nov 2015 04:57:39PM @charles-juste-prince-de-beauveau-et-craon:

Buuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!! Casanova looks like a poor peasant!! I don't need to remember his aspect in some portraits. Maybe the best Casanova is from "Io, Don Giovanni".

Ekaterina Vorontsova-Dashkova
19 Nov 2015 12:16:19AM @ekaterina-vorontsova-dashkova:
It's pretty cool though my favourite Casanova m is still the one played by David Tennant, so adorable <3 <3