Queen's Hamlet
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QH Roles Worth Exploring

Tatiana Dokuchic
7 years ago
1,919 posts

We’ve learned a lot over the past two years!  When the QH Co-op first started out (see Brag About Your Firsts V1 & V2 for a trip down memory lane) most of our Co-op members were eager to try EVERYTHING.  Now that we’re a bit more “mature”, perhaps it’s a good time to suggest some specific roles that people might like to tackle.  This makes sense since the G&S system has also grown, adding complexity to old tasks and several new items.  It can be exhausting going it alone so let’s harness the power of the Co-op to simplify our daily lives.


Check out Community Resources for free group resources that will aid in your work.



From felling trees to sawing lumber to crafting items, carpentry can be a rewarding activity and I personally find it more relaxing than smithing (which, to my ears, is extremely noisy).

Hight Demand: Custom barrels for our winemaking.  Boxes can always be used for packing our produce. Drying Tables for the new Cacao.



It’s definitely a challenge to produce an item from scratch because there’s a lot of labour involved each step of the way.  It might be advantageous to break this role into two; Mining (extracting the raw materials) and Smithing (creating the final item).  Smelting the raw materials into ingots probably falls somewhere in the middle.

High Demand (Miner): Iron & Salt

High Demand (Smith): Barrel Hoops.  All kinds of tools.  Repairs for tools, especially Master Tools are also required.  It would be great if a Master Blacksmith would take over the role of repairing all our broken items.



Back in the day we ALL use to fish and it was most enjoyable.  We had fish and seafood coming out of our ears!  When G&S changed the seafood so that it expired it became more realistic and harder.  I’m looking for a way to put the FUN back in FISHING and so I’m looking for suggestions.

I’m wondering If people would be willing to sell their seafood raw (unpacked) via vendors in the Market?  They could announce (here and in group chat) a new shipment which could then be purchased by others willing to do the processing (including Mikhail our Estate Manager).  Do you think this would work?

High Demand: Everything Raw. Tea Seeds. Sushi, Cooked Lobster, Lobster w Oysters, Tuna Steak w Sake


Nothing like the smell of fresh baking!  While most of us can whip up a pie or two, we need experts who can learn and maintain the knowledge necessary for various delicacies.

High Demand: Cake House, Custard Roll, Eternal Kiss Cake, Sweet Kiss Cake.  QH Cocoa is on the way so any chocolate recipes (especially secret ones) would be a welcome addition.



Some might say that we’re overrun with goats!  We also have a great supply of free goat meat just waiting to be used up.

High Demand: Verr skewers, sausage, chorizo



Our winemaking with the new 3.0 system is coming along nicely.  Spots are limited but if you really wanted to try your hand at growing the finest wine in the land I’m sure we could find a spot for you.



Our crops are doing really well.  If you have the urge to dig in the dirt we can arrange to place you in a plot or two.



Baskets & Jars can always be used.  A great way to make some extra coin especially since the raw materials are free.



Please support your fellow members by purchasing locally.  You can’t take those coins with you when you go so spend them now!



The best way to move your goods is to become a merchant, selling your products in the Market.  There are plenty of stalls & carts available so grab an empty one (or two or three) and start selling.  Note that there is no charge for Co-op members selling in our Market.  Contact Tatiana if you need help setting up vendor boxes.




Proprietress of Tatiana's Tea Room ~ Owner of the Provence Coeur Estate ~ Webmistress of this site

updated by @tatiana-dokuchic: 11 Aug 2020 03:57:44AM
7 years ago
16 posts

I have lots of tools already made (and due to go into vendors as soon as I can get round to it).

Also very happy to repair any broken items or make to order.

Lots of hoops and nails have already been smithed so barrels can be supplied very quickly.

Tatiana Dokuchic
7 years ago
1,919 posts

Excellent news @ardrhys !  Looking forward to seeing all the new tools.  I'm also very happy to hear you will do repairs.

Proprietress of Tatiana's Tea Room ~ Owner of the Provence Coeur Estate ~ Webmistress of this site
Abbondio Rezzonico
7 years ago
39 posts

It's good to see the Queen's Hamlet revived again and looking so promising too!

The house of Rezzonico has over the past months entered the G&S system, influenced by her rp-presence at Magritte (which is fully G&S now). We are focusing on three elements that fit our story as a Venetian family: vintning, trade (commodities), and banking (rp-coins); we remain based on Sorrentina, even though the islands is not (yet?) making the switch. We'd love to interact with the QH, as I'm sure Magritte will too. I believe that with these three entities we can make G&S an interesting way of interaction for our, now small community.

Abbondio Rezzonico
Banker, Merchant & Vintner
@ Rocca Sorrentina
Una Lunaqat
7 years ago
58 posts

I currently am interested in continuing with:

  • Carpentry (working on contributing to the wine barrel production), but keen to do other things as well,
  • Basket making (If anyone needs one or 2 asap for packing let me know.  I have some left from before.)
  • Baking (desserts) / cooking (energy foods and banquet settings).  If you hate cooking I can supply some food for coin or getting started.

I wouldn't mind doing some pottery.

I am growing:

  • Grain, rice, rence, kalana trees, wood trees
  • and raising chickens for eggs and meat

Una (Unalunaqat Resident)
Madame D'Qat
Ferme sur Mer (Sea View Farm), Queen's Hamlet
Villa Toscana,LL, Rocca Sorrentina

updated by @una-lunaqat: 26 Oct 2018 08:12:29AM
Una Lunaqat
7 years ago
58 posts

I heard the house of Rezzonico is interested in interacting with our group in some way.  Sounds great! That would be fun if that works out.

Una (Unalunaqat Resident)
Madame D'Qat
Ferme sur Mer (Sea View Farm), Queen's Hamlet
Villa Toscana,LL, Rocca Sorrentina
Tatiana Dokuchic
7 years ago
1,919 posts

Thanks for the update, Una!  We can definitely use all of those items :)

Proprietress of Tatiana's Tea Room ~ Owner of the Provence Coeur Estate ~ Webmistress of this site
Tatiana Dokuchic
7 years ago
1,919 posts

I'm guilty of being a "jack of all trades, master of none" but I'm looking forward to narrowing my focus a bit as other members concentrate on specific roles.

I'm rebuilding my "secret" knowledge, much of which was lost over the last year.  So far I can produce:

  • all three types of specialty teas (no surprise there!)
  • the large stuffed & roasted vulo
  • chocolate cake & chocolate truffles
  • sweet kiss cake & eternal kiss cake to follow

I'm concentrating on making the best use of our fairly large herd of goats by:

  • making cheese & cream & butter
  • spinning thread
  • taking on a new role as a butcher.  We have an overabundance of goat meat and it seems like a waste to just let it keep piling up so I'll be sharpening my knives and churning out bacon, sausage etc.

The Winery & Vineyard is coming along nicely.  I finally have all our wine sorted into Caspervend for easier sales.  I will keep propagating new strains and may start selling branches & cuttings if there is a demand.

I grow just about everything (with the exception of Blackwine).  My latest crops include cocoa, tomatoes, vineyards 3.0 and tea!  I produce most types of spirits (excluding rence beer).  I prefer to use the rence for papyrus and rence flour.

Mikhail and I try to do a lot of buying from our members to keep things circulating.  This leads to me doing a fair amount of bulk processing though I always try to keep smaller portions available for coins stocked in our market for our members.


Proprietress of Tatiana's Tea Room ~ Owner of the Provence Coeur Estate ~ Webmistress of this site