Le Vicomte Collection get Versailles Label!
Marketplace Archive ** CLOSED **
Amazing as always, I applaud your work!
Amazing as always, I applaud your work!
Thank you ladies! As for Pekel - shhh.....when stormy comes to buy...I'll be out to lunch...can't buy anything if no one is there to sell...Hope I saved you in time!
Merci Mesdames, You make me blush! I do hope some welcome the change, it was my intention to change the nearly identical closets, of every male courtier up a bit. Why not start with the wig? Once again, thank you all!
Greetings Everyone,
After a long process (literallymonths, since I can't ever focus on one thing for long lol), Ancien Regime, by Delos Helstein, is proud to release a small line of 18th century wigs! I was one of the fellows who grew bored, and annoyed that every single male, nearly had the same wig on. Also, given my personal taste, I would dress formal and fancy for a ball, but I prefer simple, plain hair for normal period wear. I haven't found that kind, and every formal hair, doesn't fit me right, added - every male have the same hair. That pushed me a while back, to make an attempt, and one turned to two, and then three, and in the end, I made three wigs! One is simple and plain, one is more formal, and one is even more Formal. You can find the demo of the hairs (0L) here : AR - Wig Demos . The Pictures below, shows the hair I have made, and their colors. The Colors they come in, are Powder, Black, Brown, and Ginger. Each hair is 275 L and can be found on my marketplace store : Ancien Regime
Link to my Store
Name: Antoine
Color Shown Here: Black
ColorsAvailableat the Marketplace: Powder, Ginger, Brown, and Black
Name: Jacques
Color Shown Here: Brown
ColorsAvailableat the Marketplace: Powder, Ginger, Brown, and Black
Name: Barthelemy
Color Shown Here: Powder
ColorsAvailableat the Marketplace: Powder, Ginger, Brown, and Black
Name: Antoine
Color Shown Here: Ginger
ColorsAvailableat the Marketplace: Powder, Ginger, Brown, and Black
Try a Demo !
Visit the Store: Ancien Regime Store
I just returned from my trip topairs, and there I found the most delightful shop, named L'Art Antique, and I now realize it's your store! Crammed withwondrousart works, the painting and their finely gilded frames are not the only gems here. I havewitnessthe beautiful music boxes. It's not the look i'm talking about, but its the music that comes with them. Each of them different, the most beautiful soundsemittedfrom them. It's amazing!
Your work is as enchanting as you are my friend. I wish you all the best, with the only comment, the name suits so well, as your work is scrumptious!
I'm not sure about the friendly part, alliances and friendships between the courts generally. But as Tatiana ( thanks Tat ) said you can find a list of the current sims, and their status open, or closed or such here : Sims and Courts - Conclusion . I listed most sims there, there are always exception, new sims, old sims, but generally thats the sum of them. I update the list ever now and then, so it could be as close to accurate as possible.
Bravo Lady Candance, your works are beautiful! I had the pleasure to seeing them inworld, not to long ago. ThePink Blossom Serenitypainting, is one of the most mysterious, romantic, and stunning shots I have seen. Your creative and talented eye, has captured things, I did indeed over look and never paidattentionto. (when I get my home, I'll be back for that painting!) Well done!
My thanks to Lord Myron, if it wasn't for this post, I wouldn't have seen, or beenableto find it!