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Chateau de Dampierre - now finally open!!

Henri Louis Marie de Rohan
13 years ago
192 posts

As some of you may know, the Duchesse de Rochefort and I have been refurbishing (read: building) my family's petit chteau. We have now finally finished phase one of the construction, and as it is looking rather marvellous I thought I would share a few images with you all.

The architecture is loosely based on the late 17th century baroque Chteau de Dampierre, constructed under Louis XIV in the Valle de Chevreuse of le-de-France, close to Paris and Versailles. We kept the Mansard roof and a general feel of the faade but changed the rest considerably, creating it on a far smaller scale than the original.

The Petit Salon, or Salon des Peintures , features mural walls and rich wood furniture. As you can see, I've tried to replicate some of the 'clutter' of 18th century life, rather than presenting the place as a show-home.
The library uses Tat's wonderful textures and fab bookcases as a suitably rich backdrop
The Grand Salon is slightly Neoclassical in feel - terribly avante-garde but the Duchesse insisted. We have matching Grecian medallions on the back wall, and the accents of green are perfect for a room facing the garden, I feel.
The dining-room is quite simple and understated, which feels fitting given the modest size of the chteau. However, as you can see on the right-hand side, this chateau does have one mod con...
A kitchen! I have seen very few of them in SL, especially in 18th century RP, but I very much felt my chteau needed one. Terribly curious place, I'm not sure I'll visit again...
So far, those are our rooms - alongside a simple entrance hall and Grand Escalier. Work will begin soon on the upstairs suites - but if anyone would like to visit, please feel free! Any tips from the terribly experienced decorators and builders are gratefully received and rewarded with piles of croquembouche chez Dampierre!

updated by @henri-louis-marie-de-rohan: 11 Oct 2016 04:56:57AM
Madame Desireme Fallen
13 years ago
110 posts

What a beautiful reflects the veryexcellent taste and breeding of its owners. Congratulations on the completion of the first phase of your magnificent plan. I got lost looking for the kitchen... as you called it, in my own home...Smiling innoccently, I discovered that they actually dowork there!!!!

Lady Hartfield
13 years ago
264 posts
It's a lovely lovely lovely house - and grounds! - and I can't wait to see what follows!! :D
Lord Myron de Verne
13 years ago
113 posts

Actually, the Royal Courts are a small world, just as they were in RL, where many stories ,characters and families are connected-even the most unlikely ones.

The RL castle of Dampierrewas built by the Duke d'Albert de Luynes, elder brother of the man who was the great love in Mademoiselle de Maupin's life ( whose story I told here weeks ago.)

Furthermore, he built this new castle on the ruins ofa former one, which was gifted to him by his mother, la Duchesse de Chevreuse, who was born a Rohan,therefore an aunt or grand-aunt of Her Grace the Duchesse de Rochefort....

Coming back toyour SL castle, we are not surprised, knowing you both, by this display of exquisite and brilliant taste! Congratulations!

Tatiana Dokuchic
13 years ago
1,919 posts

It's beautiful!! Thank you for sharing it with us.

I'm looking forward to seeing more of this project as it progresses. Good call on keeping the general feel of the facade but "creating it on a far smaller scale than the original". It's tricky adapting RL to SL and I think you've found the perfect balance :)

Proprietress of Tatiana's Tea Room ~ Owner of the Provence Coeur Estate ~ Webmistress of this site
Henri Louis Marie de Rohan
13 years ago
192 posts
I'm rather unsettled by a place with no ormolu or parquet flooring - I'm not sure I shall be visiting there again any time soon...
Henri Louis Marie de Rohan
13 years ago
192 posts
Merci beaucoup! I must finish the upstairs next and perhaps improve the grounds somewhat (it's rather, ahem, rustic at the moment...)
Henri Louis Marie de Rohan
13 years ago
192 posts

Thank you - it's wonderful to know the history behind this grand place. It's one of those sights I have glimpsed and am now obsessed with visiting in real life. Although I haven't been to Versailles in far too long, so I think that will be my next French state visit!

Henri Louis Marie de Rohan
13 years ago
192 posts

Thanks Tat - alas, I would love to have a Sim and create the whole thing but it's just not feasible right now! It also means the gardens are rather simple and bare, but this tends to work better with a smaller house - nothing so pretentious as a box-hedge maze right against your back door. Plus I need to artfully erect walls and trees to hide my neighbours!

Hopefully there will be more updates very soon as decoration progresses...

Pierre Ceriano
13 years ago
23 posts

J'ai visit aujourd'hui et c'est trs beau. Je vous flicite et vous encourage :)

Anne, Comtesse de Noailles
13 years ago
263 posts

what a lovely build! I love how more and more courtiers and members of this beautiful community decide to build their own family estates. It gives this community a more private feel...and thats what the age of Louis XV was all about in fact... away from public scenes and celebrations to what we consider private life in the salons and country estates (away from court)

the ball you recently held was delightful and I hope that there are more ftes to come :)

(i esspecially love the kitchen to be honest lol. its has such a....particular look :P and it reminds me of my holidays in the south of france when i was younger)

Marie Joséphine de Fiennes
13 years ago
25 posts
I especially loved the Grand Salon the pale green is perfection! Your grounds are beautiful.I didn't even noticed your neighbors lol.
Henri Louis Marie de Rohan
13 years ago
192 posts
Merci beaucoup!
Henri Louis Marie de Rohan
13 years ago
192 posts

I'm quite lucky - the estate is very close to Versailles, so it's easy for me to maintain both my apartement and this home, and equally easy for members of the court to come and pay me visits!

The kitchen isn't the most accurate room I don't think, but I think it looks fab :-) Much more to come still though ma petite!

Lady Burnstein
13 years ago
225 posts

Wow!! My compliments! A house of great taste ...

Have a nice time for the completion of the work!

Henri Louis Marie de Rohan
13 years ago
192 posts
Ah merci - I love the light green also! I debated a darker shade for midwinter, but it is nice to remind ourselves of spring even in the depths of several inches of snow! I do hope you can come by for tea soon!
Henri Louis Marie de Rohan
13 years ago
192 posts
I hope la Maupin would enjoy it - although the futurism of my Neoclassical salon may prove too much for her (the Duchesse does get these avant-garde ideas in her head...)
Henri Louis Marie de Rohan
13 years ago
192 posts
Merci beaucoup your Highness! I am glad you were able to see the place first-hand and look forward to welcoming you again very soon!
Henri Louis Marie de Rohan
13 years ago
192 posts

Many thanks! I am hoping to have more events there once the winter chill has thawed off somewhat but in any eventuality you must drop by for some tea!

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
13 years ago
2 posts

Well done...I am rather enjoying visiting some of these homes.. you all share with us all to enjoy a glimpse inside..I must thank you sir, I rather must admit I enjoyed it so much, but how come you haven't any harpischord? Do you not love music?

Henri Louis Marie de Rohan
13 years ago
192 posts

Ah sir, my harpsichord sits in my summer retreat on the southern coast! I do hope to hold a small ball for visiting aristos there soon and would of course be delighted if you could attend!