I think we've been building since around the same time, Tatiana - the days when 10x10 was a maximum size
Yes! Those were the days! I actually miss the enthusiasm I had back then for building.
Detail dimensions per prim, however, that's almost OCD; right next to alignment. I still get agitated when I see badly aligned buildings, or with shoddy measuring.
I'm right there with you, Abbondio, though I'm trying hard to be more relaxed about such things. It's detrimental because I tend to get stuck in the weeds and so it takes me forever (or never) to complete things.
Apart from loving the mesh age for its higher detail at lower cost, it did end the joys of designing buildings for me.
I have a love/hate relationship with mesh myself. Unfortunately I'm too impatient to learn how to mesh really well myself so Blender makes my head hurt. I've done one totally mesh build and can't say that I enjoyed it all that much or that it looked better than any of my other builds.
Honestly I think prims work really well for walls, floors etc. so I have modified my building style to use both prims and mesh. Now I have lovely detailed windows, doors. etc. (which I buy full perm) combined with prim surfaces that are easy to put together & texture. It's put the joy back in building for me 
My frustration with buy mesh objects include not being able to find exactly what I'm looking for and the fact that 90% of the AO's come as 1024x1024 textures. I end up spending a considerable amount of time reducing texture sizes for optimization.
do any of you reset settings so people with lower powered PCs can see all the detail.
I've thought about it but I don't, Pamus I'm going crazy enough with all my other concerns so I just can't add this to the list.
Tough, for slacing I may be too lazy but I don't use a calculated scale,
Thank goodness for that, Louis! You're making me feel a whole lot better. I really like the trick of merging smaller rooms to give more space. I'm also liking the fact that we're all getting a bit smaller over the years. Goodness knows what I started out as but I'm now just over 6'. Still big, I know, but not huge like I started 
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