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Just for Fun - Which One Are You?

Tatiana Dokuchic
15 years ago
1,919 posts
Royal Courts of Second Life-Which One Are You? The banner for our site comes from "Le Th l'anglaise servi dans le salon des Quatre-Glaces au palais du Temple Paris en 1764" by Michel Barthlemy Ollivier (1712-1784).I have to admit that every time I see it, I imagine that I am one of the courtiers listening to the conversations around me :))I thought it would be fun for us to pick our favourites to represent ourselves, so I numbered each individual to make it easier. Pick who you like; the pick doesn't have to be a unique one.I'm going for #15. For one thing she aways seems to be looking right at me. It also looks like she's just coming back with another plate of food and is looking for a spot to sit. Typical me!Which one are you?

Proprietress of Tatiana's Tea Room ~ Owner of the Provence Coeur Estate ~ Webmistress of this site

updated by @tatiana-dokuchic: 03 Apr 2019 04:02:37AM
Jim (aka Jimpsky)
15 years ago
2 posts
Sneaks up, grabs 4 and scurries away.
Seamus Gabardini
15 years ago
5 posts
No 05 please.. by his coat he is not one of the fancy dressed ppl in attendance however important enough to require attention and others appear interested in his message .. that the recently aquired goods have been properly stowed in the nondiscript warehouse on the docks.
Skye Varriale
15 years ago
96 posts
I would be in the barn romping in the hay or riding across the fields. ;)
Tatiana Dokuchic
15 years ago
1,919 posts
A brief recap so far: Tatiana is enjoying another round of pastries while the assembly is being serenaded by Jimpsky. Seamus is being a bit mysterious, keeping his face averted from the crowd. Do you think he is arranging a private transfer of those good from the warehouse? Skye is up to her old mischief and can't be found at all. I expect her to coming running in soon, a bit breathless with pieces of straw in her hair.@Jimpsky: Given the last time I saw you in SL I thought that you might pick #23 or #24 ;)

Proprietress of Tatiana's Tea Room ~ Owner of the Provence Coeur Estate ~ Webmistress of this site
Seamus Gabardini
15 years ago
5 posts
While romping in the barn be mindful of approaching Norma from her stern..gets a bit testy.
Ephe Luik
15 years ago
169 posts
I have to be 24, the dog. I can read what is
Sophia Trefusis
15 years ago
471 posts
I have a part of this picture^^ I think the boy is said to be Mozart.But I dont know.Well I think Ill have to choose #15 too since someone nearly always steals my seat too!
Sophia Trefusis
15 years ago
471 posts
How exactly is "romping" done? lol
MariaAntonia Barenhaut
15 years ago
125 posts
I think I'd have to be No. 10, being nosy and looking over my shoulder, hahaShe has a fab gown too ;))
Constance Zapedzki
15 years ago
7 posts
No 7, serving the tea, I like it and it does make the time go . . . (smile)
MariaAntonia Barenhaut
15 years ago
125 posts
Ooh! I was going to pick No. 7, my lucky number and a much better gown, but No. 10 looks so nosy, how could I be anyone else ;))
Mikk Graves
15 years ago
3 posts
I am no 1.... reading a book a let the others talk...................................
Contessa Bianca Contarini
15 years ago
2 posts
I take 11 I like the pink gown. And she probably leans over to annoy Maria :p
MariaAntonia Barenhaut
15 years ago
125 posts
Ah, so that's why I have my head turned away.. ;))
Gabrielle Glendevon
15 years ago
12 posts
I'd have to pick No. 15. I love her gown and she does look a bit lost, like she is looking for a place to sit, or looking for someone.
LouiseBathilde Sapphire
13 years ago
100 posts
Id say number 17, who seems to be talking about 15, who has already had 2 plates tonight!
Renonys d'Aquitaine
13 years ago
46 posts
I'm number 21 in the back, pouring the vino for my friends and I (read: absinthe fairies!). TIME TO GET THIS PARTY STARTED! :)
Aimee Wheatcliffe
13 years ago
51 posts

I'm not sure but the number 6 has one jacket very similar to mine...

Contessa Elena Marina Foscari
13 years ago
49 posts
I think I could be number 17....staying close to the Buffet !!!!
Walter Raleigh
13 years ago
7 posts
As I recall,before I left I was seated between thelovely young ladies 7 and 8.
Sir Thomas Cave
13 years ago
149 posts
I think your 11, because 12 would be me, stand right behind you lol. Now what was that you were staying? Eyeing which handsome fellow? :-P
Anne, Comtesse de Noailles
12 years ago
263 posts

I would be number 13...getting some food for my mistress the the dauphine while of course not being able to resist the beautiful music *looks over to the young boy playing the harpsichord*

Ekaterina Vorontsova-Dashkova
12 years ago
300 posts

I am going to pick n. 7 as it happens sometimes when I think that I pretty much look like a loner... And she's wearing pale pink as well, that is so me X33333333

P.S. I don't like pink particularly but if I were to chose between pale pink and just pink I would take the pale pink, especially if it's satin.

Maria Adélaide Rufolo
12 years ago
14 posts

It is such a beautiful picture...... I think, if I have been there, I would not be on the picture. I would be in a corner and admiring the painter. All are dressed so fashionable..... A divine group of people, to join for a Tea :)