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Languedoc Coeur Renaissance

Tatiana Dokuchic
12 years ago
1,919 posts


Languedoc Coeur has been cleared of all debris. Barges lined the canals waiting to haul timber away from the devastated area. Dredging operations deposited blocks, rocks, and mud to form two islands, extend the Provence shoreline, andform a land mass where the future Languedoc Waterfront will be located.

See Languedoc Coeur Cleanup Operations for more information.

Proprietress of Tatiana's Tea Room ~ Owner of the Provence Coeur Estate ~ Webmistress of this site

updated by @tatiana-dokuchic: 12 Jan 2017 02:11:56AM
Bedrich Panacek
12 years ago
21 posts


As the sun sets on another late summer day in Languedoc Coeur, the sailboats return to the waterfront and the shop owners begin setting out their products. The splash ofwarm colors will soon be highlighted by the autumn leaves lining the harbor.

Norns Studio located in both the village and the waterfront top level has already set up most of their art, including a beautiful Renaissance table in the center of the gallery. This gallery filled with earth tones also has a studio for the beautiful custom portraits created by Amas Veritas.

Meanwhile, the shops lining the top level have been joined to create "Angelwood Bay Arts Center". This area is dedicated to the promotion of artists who sell their work in RL and SL.

The storm seems to have brought a blessing in disguise as it is rapidly becoming one of the most beautiful and relaxing areas in the duchy! Visitors are welcome to use the blue sailboats to explore Languedoc and Provence in each other's arms, or the green sailboats if you haven't yet found that significant other!.Residents can rez their own small sailboats and hold races around the area and navigate the obstacles inthe waters east of the tavern.

We frequently see people relaxing to classical music on the south side of the waterfront or dancing to romantic music at the caf across from the library. Imagine being in the arms of the one you love... at sunset.

Tatiana Dokuchic
12 years ago
1,919 posts

** scrapes the river mud from her shoesas sheyells to Bedrich **

"Ok, BiL ... I've got the river in Provence Coeur dredged deep enough for the new sailboats ..."

Having just tested them out, I'm a big fan of the new sailboats. I never could get those danged racing rowboats to go in the right direction & I kept getting tossed out in the duck pond (do you know what the underside of a swimming duck looks like because I do).

With the sailboat I can just glide along and appreciate the atmosphere. Much more my speed!!

Proprietress of Tatiana's Tea Room ~ Owner of the Provence Coeur Estate ~ Webmistress of this site
Skye Varriale
12 years ago
96 posts

I replanted trees and did some landscaping around the new tavern location, added some tables and umbrellas. Oh, and there are two new cottages, one on an island and one overlooking the bay...nice! I am looking forward to Fall! :)

MarieLouise Harcourt
12 years ago
647 posts

First of all... OMG! Bedrich posted something on the ning. Second of all, this looks absolutely amazing, so romantic, I love it!

Bedrich Panacek
12 years ago
21 posts

Long ago, someone told me that the Duch de Coeur was not a "Royal Court", because it did not focus on "royalty", nor did it have an official "court". Bedrich therefore avoided saying anything after that. While it maybe true that the duchy has a different focus, the story of the royal courts can only be told in the broader context that includes the bourgeois. Despite poor decisions by the royalty that kept the kingdoms on the verge of bankruptcy (e.g. the revocation of the Edict of Nantes by King Louis XIV to ensure his peace with the Catholic popes), it was the bourgeois that continued todrive the economy.

The duchy is intended to be a respite from court life. Our focus is on natural beauty as opposed to the excesses of the rococo. We do the things that bind communities rather than tearing them apart. This is the place to get away from the politics and religion that seem bent on keeping the 99.5% of the population "in their place".

In short, with all of the turmoil in today's courts, it was time to speak out and say that the 18th century was a time of enlightenment. As an extension of the Renaissance, this is a time when the common people are put first, education is for the masses, spiritualism comes from within, and anyone can be who they want to be, if they make the effort.

It is an amazing place. I love to walk the streets of the village and discover that merchants havecreated new products. The color and vibrancy of the pottery, costumes, furniture, dining accessories, and art, not to mention the treasures to be found at the Bibliotheque du Coeur, combined with the romance of boat and carriage rides, hideaways for lovers, and beautifully decorated homes, all form a world of harmony. After more than 5 years, the renaissance of the duchy is bringingit to new levels, and we are very proud of it. :)

12 years ago
123 posts

Great explanation, Bedrich. The meaning of The Duchy can be said louder, but not clearer.

all form a world of harmony. I am sure that those who have the privilege of enjoying it, we are enormously grateful to you.

Skye Varriale
12 years ago
96 posts

I agree, The Duchy, from the very first, has been a place that stood for serenity and we will keep it that way. We support all the courts but have very little tolerance for drama...real life has enough of it to contend with! So, we do what we do and all peace lovers are welcome to visit, stay or become merchants. :) 5 years and counting !

Tatiana Dokuchic
12 years ago
1,919 posts

This is a bit off topic but since it comes up on occasion, I will reply here.

People have asked me about joining Royal Courts and whether they actually belong here or not. I always point out that the only caveatsare that you alsobelong to Second Life and are willing toconduct yourself in a courteous fashion.

I stuck with the name "Royal Courts" (which had been used for the previous incarnation of the site) for a number of reasons. It was already known, it had(at least in my mind) the connotation of a group interested in history& perhaps role-play and it was short.

In my mind the "Royal" was used to distinguish the group from any other courts such as basketball - lol.

The vision behind "Royal Courts" was toprovidevarious factions with a tool to aid in the formation ofan integratedcommunity to the benefit of everyone. It's meant to be inclusive :)

Proprietress of Tatiana's Tea Room ~ Owner of the Provence Coeur Estate ~ Webmistress of this site
Tatiana Dokuchic
12 years ago
1,919 posts

I thought I saw you dragging that birch tree behind you.

You kind of looked like an Ent ;)

Proprietress of Tatiana's Tea Room ~ Owner of the Provence Coeur Estate ~ Webmistress of this site
Skye Varriale
12 years ago
96 posts

Yep, was me. lol

Kristianna Fotherington
12 years ago
25 posts

Absolutely, Tatiana!

This site should be and was always intended to be inclusive of all roleplayers interested in history and roleplay in historical regions. It should be here to help the community organise events and communicate with each other, thereby improving the experience for everyone! It should never be used to exclude anyone or be used as a platform for snobbery of any kind, it should be a welcoming place for newcomers to get their feet wet in the historical community without feeling intimidated! You do a very good job, Tatiana, ensuring that those ideals prevail here. It isn't easy keeping the peace at times on a site so large, with so many members of differing opinions.

I don't know who would ever tell Bedrich that the Coeur Duchy was not an appropriate addition to the ning. The Duchy has been there from the beginning, and nearly every court present here had it's beginnings roleplaying in the safe environs provided by the Duchy. I for one will always have very happy memories of being there! :)

Skye Varriale
12 years ago
96 posts

Well said Tat! :)

Tatiana Dokuchic
12 years ago
1,919 posts


While some minor work remains in the bay area, nearly all construction has been completed in the bay area.

Easy to use sailboats may be found throughout the bay area. These are not dependent on the wind, so you may control them simply by using arrow keys. They will also continue to move if you let go. The sailboats may also enter parts ofNormandie, Aquitaine,and Provence, but bridges are too low to allow passage deep into these regions. Residents may rez their own sailboats in the bay area and remove them when they are done (they may keep them there at all times for a slip fee or use their house prims). Rowboats are slightly more difficult to use and are sensitive to water currents (but not the wind). However, the rowboats can enter nearly all regions and can be used in both waterway locks.

The tavern has dancing and a romantic swing on the east side. The music may be changed by residents of the duchy for their own events or even their own personal pleasure! En Garde! is available on the lower lawn on the west side. The tavern is accessible by a path from Normandie.

Read more at Languedoc Waterfront Open for Business

Proprietress of Tatiana's Tea Room ~ Owner of the Provence Coeur Estate ~ Webmistress of this site
Jane Ixtar
12 years ago
115 posts
Hi B. And a stunning history there with Amboise where I lived with ghosts for a long time without being awareof the chateau's historical importance. And I believe is constructed based on the original plan which explains the interest and functionality of the castle, the wonderful experience of living in it. My fave place ever, never change it please. I assume its lineage will be noted as other points of importance at the Coeur have been recently :)
Jane Ixtar
12 years ago
115 posts
Apols, prob incorrectly posted, as for a start Amboise is not in Languedoc. Suffice to say I agree with all posts about inclusivity rather than exclusion, and certainly the Coeur is where my interests in history, fashion, and architecture in SL were conceived and particularly in the Library with Farzaneh Eel organising. Skye's and Bedrich's generosity of spirit has been fundamental to the quality of my SL so you two , please keep sharing it with us here..
Lady Leena Fandango
12 years ago
358 posts

The Duche is always so lovely. I was just there taking some photographs, one can always get beautiful shots :))