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Meow Meow - Market Place Issue - Resolved!

Ekaterina Petrovna Shuvalova
11 years ago
209 posts

Hello My darlings,

After a discussion with AndreJacquemin (Our fabulous court jeweler), we realized that some of of our products were marked as Adult randomly and therefore unseen by most. I'm not sure if this was a mistake or a glitch on the marketplace, but the issue was resolved. For me, it turned out that about 20 different gowns of mine were marked as adult, so therefore unseen by many. I went through it ,and fixed them all, so now all is well.

Here's the link to my store with all the products available!

I would advise all who have products on the Marketplace, to go back through their listings, to make sure its marked to General. I hope this information is useful :)

Kisses Cherie <33

updated by @countess-shuvalova: 06 Oct 2016 01:58:51PM
Sir Thomas Cave
11 years ago
149 posts

Its true, when I checked, some of my stuff, well actually nearly 60 % of my stuff was marked as Adult. That should explain why I haven't made any decent sales in ages haha. Thanks for bringing this up!

Ekaterina Vorontsova-Dashkova
11 years ago
300 posts

Yes, now I have noticed it too EEK!! *runs fixing the listings*

Thank you both for posting a notice on ning. I probably wouldn't have ever even noticed :-)

Ekaterina Petrovna Shuvalova
11 years ago
209 posts

Im glad I could help cherie, kiss kiss <333

Ekaterina Petrovna Shuvalova
11 years ago
209 posts

its a shame it happened!

Lady Bluebird of Orkney
11 years ago
81 posts

Goodness! It's like a whole collection of new releases! Merci!

Leandro Rinaldo Malaspina
11 years ago
12 posts

Same thing happened a couple of months ago to most of my furniture. No idea why, I GUESS it may have something to do with roman numerals: I noticed that furniture with "XVIII Century" or "XIX Century" in their name or description were marked as Adult, while the ones with "18th Century" for example were not (just guessing, I'm not sure). That's a major problem that really needs to be fixed, especially for our historical activities... I hope it won't change them again in the future... :/