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~New at Un Piccolo Studio ~ "La Vita di Venezia" ~ Rocca Sorrentina

Lady Leena Fandango
10 years ago
358 posts

~A new exhibit at Un Piccolo Studio ~ Rocca Sorrentina~

An interactive artist studio with animated easels and a posing area. Come explore and create with us! For a twist and to add to the realism, we will feature a real life historical artist and offer their works for sale. Strike a pose or create a painting like the great artists of the past. You're more than welcome to make a mess.

Some new offerings for your viewing pleasure. Pietro Longhi (1701-1785) , late of Venice, with his works of "La Vita di Venezia" displays his captures of the lively people of Venice.

Many of the figures are portrayed with masks on, originally popular only during Carnival.The Venetians starting wearingmasks in everyday life, to add to the intrigue of such a unique city.

Longhi's passing on the 8th of May 1785 coincides with our opening but his memory is kept alive in his paintings.

We welcome you to come and enjoy them!


His paintings are priced at 49L each with Copy/Mod permissions. Informational notecards are included.

3366_discussions.jpg?width=750 The easels are interactive inside the studio so feel free to stop by and try your hand at painting.

3367_discussions.jpg?width=750 A posing area is set up for some fun shots, come by and try it out.

3368_discussions.jpg?width=750 Tucked into the corner of the studio is some information about the masks they wore.

Come by and explore our newest exhibit at Rocca Sorrentina!

See the landmark below, the candles are always burning so stop by anytime.

Un Piccolo Studio at Rocca Sorrentina

Grazie and have fun,

Lady Leena :)

updated by @lady-leena-fandango: 06 Oct 2016 01:58:51PM
Tatiana Dokuchic
10 years ago
1,919 posts

What a wonderful idea! Thank you for sharing it. Leena :)

Proprietress of Tatiana's Tea Room ~ Owner of the Provence Coeur Estate ~ Webmistress of this site
Lady Bluebird of Orkney
10 years ago
81 posts

Absolutely charming!

Lady Leena Fandango
10 years ago
358 posts

Thank you very much Tatiana :))

Lady Leena Fandango
10 years ago
358 posts

Grazie LadyBlue, glad you like the show :))

Lady Leena Fandango
10 years ago
358 posts

Thank you for the likes everyone :))