VW: Second Life
Location: Auckland
Country: NZ
VW: Second Life
Location: Auckland
Country: NZ

Secret of the Seas
Spent three hours at a Tuna Tournament that I thought a sure win because the biggest fish then had was only 7.7kg. But of cause as luck would have it caught everything but tuna – including this mysterious thing called a Secret of the Seas. It was 2am but of cause I wanted to see what the secret was! So spent two hours studying about and about 4am and half asleep finally got the ingredients ready to make it. The big secret was.... it was big as sword! -_-
Not sure if I am disappointed or not – or what to do with a giant sword now.
Not sure if I am disappointed or not – or what to do with a giant sword now.
LOL - thanks for sharing your "Secret of the Seas"!! Your chickens look terrified!! Also I'm very glad that I don't have to stay up until 4am to figure out what it is
Tjay, you are priceless. I'm laughing a lot here.
Think the Chickens are whispering to each other saying - "what the heck is she up to now?"
Mindful to keep a safe distance but otherwise quite accustomed to it..