Ekaterina Vorontsova-Dashkova
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A Letter to My Sister Jacqueline

user image 2013-07-03
By: Ekaterina Vorontsova-Dashkova
Posted in:

Chateau de Coucy,

Coucy province, France.


July the 3nd, 1774.

Ma chere soeur Jacqueline,

The last days for me have been full of such torment and sadness that I have last experienced since *that incident* now more than a year ago. I am writing to you from our ancestral home in which I reside for the time being before returning to Versailles. I am writing to you as I cannot talk to anybody else than you, dear Jacqueline.

652_blogs.jpg?width=750 You may have already received news about me or perhaps not but I am now a married woman. These are sudden news, I know, even for myself. I received a letter from Maman a week ago saying that my grandfather, Duc de Coucy, have decided to marry me into wealthy family and that I had to quickly depart to my then fiance's home where the two families shall meet and where I shall meet my future husband. I was in complete shock as I could not believe that I would be married so quickly and at such a young age!

I knew I had to prepare quickly for my long journey. There was a lot to be packed and organised of course! I was very grateful to know that our cousine Cecile and my dear friend Mlle de Fiennes were there to see me off... I left with my luggage in the early foggy morning. The one person who accompanied me on my journey was our aunt Comtesse de Louvigny who has always been my great support since the time I first arrived at court.


It was quite a long journey as it seems my husband's lands are situated closer to the north of France, in Normandy gouvernement. In fact, not very far away from the fortress Mont Saint Michel! Me and Lottie were very tired by the time we arrived and we soon had to quickly deal with our luggage and then quickly present ourselves to my in-laws... And my husband-to-be. I must tell you that he, of course, is nothing like the main male characters in those novels that you like to read. *smirks*

He is, in appearance, not good looking and rather chubby but he, as I later found out, was kind. He has this kind of face, that just can't be hated by anyone. Just like a child, I'd say! He doesn't like court life at all but he was kind enough to let me go back to Versailles on promise that I would visit his home frequently. I would not be able to live a secluded life with his quite unfriendly family. They sometimes seem like a gathering of chicken, peacocks and parrots all together. *draws caricatures of her in-laws on empty space of the letter* ... Oh, and I forgot to mention that he is quite rich! His lands seem to do well business including sea businesses as he is involved with ports and army forces also.

Of course, the wedding was far away from grand as both our families wanted to quickly finish with this business and then followed the dinner and of course the wedding night afterwards... *doesn't finish the sentence or the paragraph and instead there are 2 ink stains and some space in the letter*

*Sophie clearly blushed at that moment unable to write*

* * *

Ah, as I said before, my husband let me leave to Versailles. In total, I stayed in my new home for 3 days or a bit more. Of course, I had to visit Chateau de Coucy and where I am staying at the moment to visit my family once more and especially Maman and our Grandpapa. I will be soon be departing with our sister Lottie. I *did* try to persuade my husband to go with me but he would not budge and so I left him be. Of course I'll visit him from time to time when I can as promised.

And I write you this the day before I depart back to Versailles hoping to see my friends and our family who resides there. I finish this letter with an embrace and million kisses as I know that is not enough to compare to what you have done for me.


Je t'embrasse,


ta tendre soeur Sophie.

Claire-Sophie de Rocoulle
03 Jul 2013 10:47:01PM @claire-sophie-de-rocoulle:

Congratulations ma chere

((my back still hurts from loading all your luggage missy LOL))

Summer Serendipity
03 Jul 2013 11:57:48PM @summer-serendipity:

Dear Sophie, This is the cutest storyline and your first picture is especially adorable. I love your writing style and eagerly look forward to any future installments that may come. ( ;

Ekaterina Vorontsova-Dashkova
04 Jul 2013 12:11:07AM @ekaterina-vorontsova-dashkova:

Thank you girls for such nice comments!!~ (^ v ^)

((And, well... You'll have to unload my luggage when I get back to Versailles as well ;p))

Aldo Stern
04 Jul 2013 11:44:39AM @aldo-stern:

yes...I was thinking, "my, what an impressive mountain of luggage..."

I will say that as arranged marriages go, it sounds as though you could have done much worse. I wish you and your chubby but kind husband good fortune.

and yes, nicely written.

Jane Ixtar
20 Jul 2013 03:55:12AM @jane-ixtar:

My dear Sophie, My dear sister, life for you is at Versailles where of course your "Chubby' will be welcomed as we were here. Please immerse yourself in your daily tasks and your classes and life will bring all sorts of unexpected pleasures I am sure. I know you will take every opportunity to make the situation beneficial in all respects and I will be here as always to support you in your pursuits. I must say it is good to have you back here and settling once again. Your loving sister, Charlotte

What a delightful work for Versailles xoxoxoxo