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Lorsagne de Sade
9 years ago
313 posts


Some of you remember the DECADES Festival last summer. Twelve builders and content creators built a full sim in a little less than a month and then we opened it up to the SL community for 24-hours of live music, spoken events, a killer fashion show, exhibits and interactive "stuff" covering the span of human history. Inara Pey blogged it in her well-read "Living in a Modem World" . We had lots of visitors and raised a tidy sum to support this website.

Well, DECADES is now back with a permanent home with "headquarters" in the Observatory Claire-Sophie de Rocoulle built high on a hill overlooking the lands of ANTIQUITY. When it opens people will be able to learn about the historical and education communities of Second Life and other grids and then visit them via a portal system located on the ground floor. The DECADES Galleries will be located on the 1st floor and host art exhibits "in context" with historical events and themes like the one in the photo. The top level with it's 360 degree window openings that offer stunning views of the Antiquity sims will offer live music, in voice readings and hosted RP events (and fashion shows) in a comfortable "club for the ages" atmosphere. And the basement will house some surprises as well as serve as a memorial to the many, many historical sims and communities that once were but are no longer -- a reminder of our SL past to stress why it's important that we work to preserve--and grow--these precious communities.

The parcel is secure and the Observatory is in place, but work won't really begin to furnish and landscape until after the Relay for Life event later this month. But I couldn't hold off sharing the good news -- and asking members of Royal Courts to participate as content creators who will have another venue to showcase their wares as builders, performers, curators -- in whatever ways interest and compel you to show the world that history matters and that VR gives us amazing tools to make history come alive.

Sister (aka Lorsagne Sade)

updated by @lorsagne-de-sade: 06 Jan 2017 02:22:23AM
Lady Leena Fandango
9 years ago
358 posts

Great to see that Decades has a new home! :D

Lorsagne de Sade
9 years ago
313 posts

Yes! Big kudos and thanks to Sere, Jacon and Tiamat.

Tatiana Dokuchic
9 years ago
1,919 posts


It's wonderful to see this taking shape!

Merci beaucoup!

Proprietress of Tatiana's Tea Room ~ Owner of the Provence Coeur Estate ~ Webmistress of this site
9 years ago
280 posts

I love to see my banner in good use, that little corner you arranged looks really nice!

Lorsagne de Sade
9 years ago
313 posts

It's DECADES 'trademark' signage and it gets compliments! Bless you for creating it and the two other versions which also make wonderful posters.

Tiamat Windstorm von Hirvi
9 years ago
359 posts

Speaking for Antiquity, we are simply pleased to serve as home to an enterprise that is so true to our original intent: bringing life to history. We anticipate hours of fascination as the Decades portion of Argyle takes on its new character, and exhibits arrive and evolve over time.

Speaking for myself, I must thank Mme. de Sade for giving me such a delightful excuse to play with landforms! The character of the land will be quite different on the seaward and landward sides, as so often happens in nature. Landward we will have moderately sloping countryside, requiring some effort but not so much as to discourage weary guests...seaward, a decisive cliff, possibly useful in case some of those guests prove troublesome although I hope any duels on the ramparts will follow historically appropriate protocols and not interrupt more genteel events!

Antiquity Hedgewitch
Lorsagne de Sade
9 years ago
313 posts

You are most kind in your comment, Your Highness and had I more facility with pigment and brush, I would have captured an image of your royal self with earth-moving tools as you shaped the landscape for our new home.

A walk up a moderatly challenging hill to reach one's destination is often needed when one lives in a place and a time where the art of the table is both a savory repast for the body and a tool for social advancement among those anxious to maintain or earn a place at court.

We shall endeavor to make the path charming with resting spots and interesting examples of local flora for study. As for the seaward orientation, cliffs have their uses. Rumor has it that those mysterious members and friends of the Society of Jesus (aka those Jebbies who have had their ups and downs throughout their 400-year history) have some connection to DECADES; who knows what manner of bodies are buried in the catacombs that may lie beneath the Observatory foundation. If you see a small cleric attempting to pass without observation in the disguise of a medieval Plague Doctor, do not be alarmed. Godfather is merely inspecting those cliffs and making a list . . .

Jane Ixtar
9 years ago
115 posts

AH terrific!

Lorsagne de Sade
9 years ago
313 posts

Caught the sun rising over DECADES new home...the Observatory has an incredible view of the Antiquity sims. Great lookout spot for pirates....and I can't wait until the snow melts and an amazing landscape and paths and etc. etc. etc. take shape. (I did spot godfather poking around muttering about he's too old to climb hills and wants a zipline like we had at last summer's festival . . . grin.
