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~ Un Piccolo Studio ~ "Maria's Blooms" New at Rocca Sorrentina

Lady Leena Fandango
10 years ago
358 posts

~Un Piccolo Studio~

An interactive artist studio with animated easels and a posing area. Come explore and create with us! For a twist and to add to the realism, we will feature a real life historical artist and offer their works for sale. Strike a pose or create a painting like the great artists of the past. You're more than welcome to make a mess.

Our current featured artist: Maria van Oosterwijck (1630-1693) famous for her incredibly realistic still lifes in the chiaroscuro (strong dark and light contrast) style. Her works are inside the studio, not only on the walls but tucked in on the floors as well. "Maria's Blooms" is the title of our new exhibit. Part of the 17th century Dutch Golden Age of painters, her works are truly beautiful and will get us all 'Thinking Spring.'


Her paintings are priced at 49L each with Copy/Mod permissions and a Resizer script is included with your purchase. Informational notecards are included.

3317_discussions.png?width=750 3318_discussions.png?width=750 3319_discussions.png?width=750 3320_discussions.png?width=750

Don't forget the easels are interactive, so feel free to paint a bit.

See the landmark below, the candles are always burning so stop by anytime.

Un Piccolo Studio at Rocca Sorrentina

Enjoy and have fun :)

updated by @lady-leena-fandango: 06 Oct 2016 01:58:51PM
Tatiana Dokuchic
10 years ago
1,919 posts

Just love those easels!A wonderful exhibit all the way around :))

Proprietress of Tatiana's Tea Room ~ Owner of the Provence Coeur Estate ~ Webmistress of this site
10 years ago
30 posts

very nice, Leena

Lady Leena Fandango
10 years ago
358 posts

Thank you very much Tatiana and Jean-Matisse :)

LouiseBathilde Sapphire
10 years ago
100 posts

Very nice place to visit, I got to sit down and paint a very lovely portrait myself! It was wonderful, a must see!

Lady Leena Fandango
10 years ago
358 posts

Thank you Louise and Stormy! *warm hugs* :)

Alessandra di Fiorentino-Conti
10 years ago
205 posts

Wonderful Paintings, a great exebhition :))

Lady Leena Fandango
10 years ago
358 posts

Thank you Alessandra :))

Lorsagne de Sade
10 years ago
313 posts

I finally got there a couple of days ago. Fantastic!! Now, if Lady Leena will give a class in how she achieves such beautifully clean frames with no little alpha 'halos' etc., etc.

Lady Leena Fandango
10 years ago
358 posts

Thank you so much Lorsagne! I'm glad you like the exhibit.

As for no halos, well ... here's what I do in GIMP:

I add an Alpha Channel in Layers

I cut around the pictures frames as tight as possible around the outside with a crop and/or the erase tool.

I erase the backgrounds with the erase tool. Go slow and make a clean edge as much as possible.

I go to Filters > Light and Shadow > Drop Shadow

Here are the settings for Drop Shadow:

3321_discussions.png This creates a slight drop shadow around the inside and the outside of the frames.

Go to File > Export .... I save and upload the files in .PNG format.

I hope that helps, I don't have Photoshop, if that's what you use.

Cheers :)

Lorsagne de Sade
10 years ago
313 posts

You are a saint. I have gimp but usually use Time I got the gimp out and practiced. I owe you big for this! you get the very first clean frame I make! Thank you.

p.s. - to anybody who hasn't seen the exhibit of the work ofMaria van Oosterwijckstopwhat you are doing and go now. Really beautiful exhibit.