This sure is not exactly the best time of the year. Why? MOSQUITOS!!!
<..> Oh, well, I do have this veil on, at least my face will be spared... Besides, I have a servant here to fan those lil' bloodsuckers away from me! ohoho ((XDDDDDD Hope you are enjoying a good summer everyone <33))
You also have a lovely hat to shade you from the sun. So important, protecting yourself from those bright rays.
As for the mosquitos, I understand lavender is a good repellant (as is eating lots of garlic).
Good Luck!!
Lovely pic
Thank you girls! And thanks for a very helpful advice, especially, about garlic, Tat~ ;p
Of course, as an additional bonus,the garlic will also keep those pesky vampires away!
I am deeply worried about the mosquito invasion in your garden, Mlle. But her an old home remedy:Rub camel fat over your skin...