Historical RP: Strengthening Connections
General Discussion
Maintaining a historical RP group is challenging (really challenging, really-really challenging) so extending that group to interact with others in our historical community isn't an easy endeavour. On the bright side, there's a lot of goodwill that's been built up over the years between communities like Antiquity, the Duché de Coeur (DC) , and Rocca Sorrentina (RS). Mangers of these estates have always looked for practical ways to support & interact with one-another, the weekly coffee hour at RS being a great example.
Recently, spurred by the use of the active roleplay systems ACS and G&S, we began discussing ways to strengthen our connections. For background information see:
Managing a Historical RP Economy
Historical RP/Sim : How to get new people and retain existing
Historical RP: Exploring Different Types of Roleplay
On May 11, 2019 a few of us got together to chat about the roleplay systems, ACS used by Antiquity , and G&S used by DC, the Banco Rezzonico and, to some extent, RS. We are exploring the possibility that these systems can help strengthen our connections and failing that, what other things can we do to increase our interactions.
The transcript from our chat is long and a bit winding so I thought I would start this discussion to record some of the high points, continue on with the conversation and include others that were not present at the time.
I will do my best to summarize in the next post with the hope that my recollection will be corrected & enhanced by the other participants