*Sculpted Skirt/Train
*Matching Shoes
*Gown is NoCopy, NoMod, Transfer.
-L'AbondanceGown Is a Grand Habit de Cour. These type of gowns were meant to be worn at the most Formal Court Occasions.
Hello, and thank you all for taking the time to look at my newest creation. My name is Louise Bathilde Sapphire. This is my interpretation on a 18th century court gown. I hope I am able to deliver to you, a most beautiful gown, to wear at the most glorious occasion. If anyone has any questions or concerns, please feel free to IM me, LouiseBathilde Sapphire, and I will be more than happy to help:). Again, Thank you:))
updated by @louisebathilde-sapphire: 06 Oct 2016 01:58:51PM