Her vigil for the expectant mother and her child at an end, Lorsagne barely touches the light supper that she has ordered brought to her rooms. Without a purpose to drive her, she paces the small space, her brow furrowed,...
Read MorePosted in: default | 5 commentsHer vigil for the expectant mother and her child at an end, Lorsagne barely touches the light supper that she has ordered brought to her rooms. Without a purpose to drive her, she paces the small space, her brow furrowed,...
Read MorePosted in: default | 5 commentsConstanzo had finished cutting down the sea grasses by the edge of the little island with his scythe and had cleared the courtyard garden of weeds. Donna Sere is unduly particular about her flowers, he thought, but then all English ladies have their pequeos fastidios, and as employers go she...
Read MorePosted in: default | 3 commentsConstanzo had finished cutting down the sea grasses by the edge of the little island with his scythe and had cleared the courtyard garden of weeds. Donna Sere is unduly particular about her flowers, he thought, but then all English ladies have their pequeos fastidios, and as employers go she...
Read MorePosted in: default | 3 commentsPosted in: default | 1 commentsPosted in: default | 1 commentsLorsagne shares news of the quarantine with her absent companion and recounts a theory of the origin of the Fever from the late-1600s ignored by the physicians of Europe
By Lorsagne de Sade, 2014-08-07The evening of August 7, 1784
My dearest Capitane,
It is only my worry that you will learn of Sorrentinas difficulties from some careless gossip or the pages of the Gazette de Leyde and the Courrier dAvignon that leads me to disturb your peace with news my...
Read MorePosted in: default | 3 commentsLorsagne shares news of the quarantine with her absent companion and recounts a theory of the origin of the Fever from the late-1600s ignored by the physicians of Europe
By Lorsagne de Sade, 2014-08-07The evening of August 7, 1784
My dearest Capitane,
It is only my worry that you will learn of Sorrentinas difficulties from some careless gossip or the pages of the Gazette de Leyde and the Courrier dAvignon that leads me to disturb your peace with news my...
Read MorePosted in: default | 3 commentsAug. 1, 1784
The day started very hot and in the evening was nice and cool.
Many people had come to my lecture to hear me explain the theory of the humors of the body.After a while there was panic among the people, who had suddenly noticed that Mr. Gandt had a lady in his arms...
Read MorePosted in: default | 6 comments
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