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  • Living History - via - Virtual Worlds

    Welcome to our gathering of intrepid explorers experiencing history via Second Life® and/or other Virtual Worlds.

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    Established September 2009 as Royal Courts SL . Expanded September 2016 to  Living History VW.  Second Life® is a registered trademark of Linden Research, Inc. All rights reserved. No infringement is intended.

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    Zed Tremont
    @zed-tremont • 4 weeks ago • comments: 0
    Posted a response to "Beautiful View: Expanding the Provence Coeur Estate":
    "Thank you very much for your kind words Tatiana. I started Bellevue a long time ago, the project is on hold for quite some years now.  First since I have no..."
    Zed Tremont
    @zed-tremont • 4 weeks ago • comments: 9
    Posted a new Comment on @zed-tremont:
    "And yes I will have to change that picture."
    Zed Tremont
    @zed-tremont • 4 weeks ago • comments: 9
    Posted a new Comment on @zed-tremont:
    "It's been ages ago that I've been on this site,  thank you very much for reminding me Tatiana. And during ages things became a bit different rl for sure and..."
    @catherine-josephine-of-saint-aiane • 4 weeks ago • comments: 0
    Posted a new blog:
    Diary of Mademoiselle la Princesse d'Aïana
    27 juin 17xx Today marks the somber anniversary of the passing of my great-grandfather, Louis-Antoine Guarocuya. The weight of his legacy, so intricately woven into...
    Tatiana Dokuchic
    @tatiana-dokuchic • 4 weeks ago • comments: 0
    Posted a response to "Beautiful View: Expanding the Provence Coeur Estate":
    "Sir Thomas Cave: This is extremely exciting! I can't wait to see the progress! ...   Merci beaucoup! There are so many similarities between Bellevue and..."
    Tatiana Dokuchic
    @tatiana-dokuchic • 4 weeks ago • comments: 0
    Posted a response to "[AoR] News ~ June 28, 2024":
    "Sir Thomas Cave: I have a mild suspicion that perhaps I was not meant for the seas. (LOL).    'ya think??"
    Sir Thomas Cave
    @sir-thomas-cave • 4 weeks ago • comments: 0
    Posted a response to "Beautiful View: Expanding the Provence Coeur Estate":
    "This is extremely exciting! I can't wait to see the progress! I always wondered about the interiors for this chateau. La Marquise de Pompadour and..."
    Sir Thomas Cave
    @sir-thomas-cave • 4 weeks ago • comments: 0
    Posted a response to "[AoR] News ~ June 28, 2024":
    "I have a mild suspicion that perhaps I was not meant for the seas. (LOL). "
    Tatiana Dokuchic
    @tatiana-dokuchic • 4 weeks ago • comments: 0
    Created a new forum topic "[AoR] News ~ June 28, 2024":
    "With an army of builders and landscapers waiting for instructions, Tat runs into her office and dashes off the latest news …   Bienvenue We’d like to..."
    Tatiana Dokuchic
    @tatiana-dokuchic • one month ago • comments: 0
    Created a new forum topic "Beautiful View: Expanding the Provence Coeur Estate":
    "I’m very excited to announce the upcoming expansion of the Provence Coeur Estate! A new region will soon be added to the east side of the Jardin Français..."
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  • Blogs   View All

    Diary of Mademoiselle la Princesse d'Aïana

    By madamedaiana, 2024-07-03
    Diary of Mademoiselle la Princesse d'Aïana

    2 juillet 17xx

    My heart is heavy with both relief and disappointment as I pen down the events of the past few days. The anticipation of a potential suitor, Arthur de Crownguard, arriving at our estate had initially filled me with cautious hope. His letters, filled with...

    Diary of Mademoiselle la Princesse d'Aïana

    By madamedaiana, 2024-06-27
    Diary of Mademoiselle la Princesse d'Aïana

    27 juin 17xx

    Today marks the somber anniversary of the passing of my great-grandfather, Louis-Antoine Guarocuya. The weight of his legacy, so intricately woven into the fabric of my existence, guided my steps this morning to the humble chapel at the heart of our estate. 


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    Diary of Mademoiselle la Princesse d'Aïana

    By madamedaiana, 2024-06-22
    Diary of Mademoiselle la Princesse d'Aïana

    22 juin 17xx

    Today, I received delightful news from Monsieur Baumé. With his characteristic efficiency and attention to detail, Pierre-Louis informed me of a plot of land up for auction in the Faubourg Saint-Germain district of Paris. This district has long held a...

    Diary of Mademoiselle la Princesse d'Aïana

    By madamedaiana, 2024-06-21
    Diary of Mademoiselle la Princesse d'Aïana

    21 juin 17xx

    This morning, I had the pleasure of meeting with Pierre-Louis Baumé, my new steward, whose expertise and dedication will be instrumental in managing the estate. Though his primary responsibility is overseeing my father's farms in this region, I have also...

    Diary Of Mademoiselle la Princesse d'Aïana

    By madamedaiana, 2024-06-20
    Diary Of Mademoiselle la Princesse d'Aïana

    20 juin 17xx

    Today marks my arrival at the Château d'Aïana. I have very little memories of this place, though there was a friendly, plump cook who often gave me sweets as a child.

    But now, as a woman and chatelaine in my father's absence, managing...

    Early Morning Baking

    By Tatiana Dokuchic, 2023-02-23

    TTREarly Morning Baking.png

    My life of leisure is over!  I must admit that my role as the estate manager for the QH Co-op hasn’t been all that taxing, mostly...

    Posted in: roleplay | 0 comments

    A year of peace - my wife's 'Venetian Garden'

    By Abbondio Rezzonico, 2021-10-09
    A year of peace - my wife's 'Venetian Garden'

    Now a year ago - - then after a tumultuous year of events ranging from our lovely pixel wedding, to the dark rl plague, and back to the rise and demise of an 18th century roleplay-project in which we were invested - - I started to secretly build my wife a place to hibernate, as winter...

    Singing in Second Life

    By King Jason Φ Fox, 2020-11-11

    Dear reader,

    Hence forward, my person will be singing at the Music Elixir of Life and more than appreciative if you would be interested to experience Live music at the Club I have connected myself to. The warmth and feeling of Family is strong and unique, something that is rare in...

    Posted in: Live Music | 0 comments
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